pondělí 24. května 2010

Blog comments

1) Sanja Illic's blog talks about eating disorders of men and women. Stresses illnesses such as bulimia) and anorexia. Writes how women stereotiping affects their health negatively and also talks about men being affected.

2) Michal Klíčník is talking about unjust censorship in media. He shows us examples how regimes use censorship to limit peoples' rights - I.E. China

3) Vivienne Strelecká's blog is about advertising buzz. Some people say that this buzz is kind of a brainwashing. She argues that it is not - People have to take you from your enviroment and force you their ideas.

4) Daniela Demarin wrote about deinvidualization of the media. How media helps to loose individuality.

pondělí 17. května 2010

Video Games and Modern Youth

Since the beginning of mankind, there have been space for kids to play. In past, they could go everywhere without fear of being taken a hostage or being abused. Nowadays, the problem is different. They have not enough places to go and play. Therefore kids focus where is enough place for everyone - The virtual reality.
It is common knowledge that children need to play with each other to socialize and learn basic skills. In the past, children played "hide and seek". Now they play World of Warcraft. Why do children play computer games ? I think that they seek vicarious experience - something that they can't do in their real life. In WoW, they are a hero. In Counter-Strike, they can be special trained policemen and so on. The problem is that children up to the age of 15 are vulnerable to many foreign influences they see in the media (advertisements, video clips etc).
When children spend hours and hours in front of the PC or other gaming console, kids take what that machine offers. In many games there is explicit content such as violence, blood and gore, sex, strong language and so on. Moreover, when the game is engaging kids can try to repeat or "play" the game in real life. BUT most of adolescents are not like that. People arguing about children plaing with imaginary weapons, as a result of video games, do not know that this is a piece of human nature possessed for thousands of years - children are preparing for conflict. The same counts for little pups, which "fight" as a part of game too. In childhood, kids know that these little battles are just game, not reality, so video games help them to reach the "next level" of playing. The problem is, when children with mental disorders play too much of violent games. Those people have misshapen perception of reality and therefore video gaming may lead to disaster. But these are rare cases.
Media inform us about the negative effects of gaming on regular basis. It is not proven that aggression has something to do with video games, but same works for smoking and lung cancer. Through empirical studies it was proven that violent games really affect the ones who play them in means of social behavior - not helping when needed (car crash), torturing animals (burning cats in Russia) and so on (*1).
On the other hand, children can sharpen their reflexes, get rid of stress and also become more creative (*2 ). Children also learn how to use new technologies, which seems to be essential skill for the future. Another advantage of video games is that helps children from non-English speaking countries to learn English. I can see this on my friend's younger brother who did not speak English well a year ago. But he really got into the Dragon Age (singleplayer RPG with loads of dialogues)[*3] and now I can see his English skills have improved significantly !
I personally think that every coin has two sides. We should try to look at gaming "outside of the box" and try to decide if it is worth to let our children to be exposed to games. I think that most of the decisions is on parents - not being aware of ESRB, not to care what child does in free time. I think that it is sick to let children play video games for hours and hours and then be "surprised" that child is not doing well at school and has certain behavoral issues.


neděle 16. května 2010

Three useful links

In this section I would like to discus these three web pages:

First link shows unbiased data about effects of video games on children. How it sharpens their senses, improves coordination of moves and also how gaming makes children more aggressive, can teach them to eat unhealthy and so on.
The second link is focused on "Myths and Facts" of video games. The author (Craig A. Anderson, PhD) mostly focuses on the aggressivity of youngsters, their health and other topics that are frequently connected with Video Games. His studies show evidence, that adolescents' deliquency possibly could not be connected with video games.
Third link (for me the most engaging) gets us to the web pages of Rochester Institute of Technology and shows us how the video games influence psychics of kids. Mr. Thomas A. Kooijmans shows us many interesting data and statistics, such as: "Chambers and Ascione (1987) report that 100% of elementary and high school students surveyed had played video games at least once. That was more than 15 years ago. This is an obvious indicator that video games have entered the mainstream media, and that more research needs to be done on the effects of video games on adolescence." (Thomas A. Kooijmans, www.personalityresearch.org, May 17, 2010)
I found all of these web sites engaging for people interested in video games topic. Moreover, each of the sites has plenty of works cited, so anyone considerin writing paper about this theme will appreciate it.


Benefits of video games

Video games do not have only negative effects on children and young people.
"According to a new study in Current Directions in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, regular gamers are fast and accurate information processors, not only during game play, but in real-life situations as well." (http://www.sciencedaily.com/ - may 17. 2010)

This study also showed that playing a game frequently sharpens player's reflexes and therefore helps doing things faster, BUT these gamers do not loose their accuracy ! This is really interesting phenomenon, but there has not been much of research made.
On the other hand, time spent by the screen could be used to study for school. But playing a game is for many guys much more engaging than studying and therefore their school results are declinig.


Were video games to blame for massacre?

In April 16, 2007 in Virginia (USA) Seung-Huy Cho started to shoot in the campus. The article says:
"The shooting on the Virginia Tech campus was only hours old, police hadn't even identified the gunman, and yet already the perpetrator had been fingered and was in the midst of being skewered in the media. Video games. They were to blame for the dozens dead and wounded. They were behind the bloodiest massacre in U.S. history." (Winda Benedetti- 2007- *1)

This article shows how media try to tell us what to think. Media accused Counter-Strike game as a cause of this massacre ! The investigation has shown that the gunman was a lonely, mentally unstable adolescent, who had shady past. There are some quotations of people from gaming industry too. In my opinion it is more issue of american law enforcement than video games companies. If you are interested in this topic, you can browse my sources to learn more.


Online games

In last five years, there is a trend to be connected with other players and prove who is better. Players can also cooperate to achieve some goal. Most of the games and game servers are free. Such as www.garena.com, or www.gamepark.cz. Some of online games are extremely catchy.
For example World of Warcraft (WoW) is one of the most addictive games in the world ! The genre is RPG (role play game) and players live in virtual world and forget about the reality. My friend's fifteen years old brother is WoW player and plays this game about 8 hours each day. When he has no school he does not even leave his room very often. This guy's game character is some kind of celebrity in virtual world, but in real life he is just a shy boy. Everytime he has to leave his room and stop playing this WoW, he becomes anxious. I saw a video of one of these "addicts" and I was surprised how much they are into this game. In this case, mother canceled her son's WoW account and therefore she killed his online character. Here is the video:

As you can see, the kids are outraged ! These are ones of the extreme cases. But it is not just World of Warcraft. People playing action games like Counterstrike become aggressive when they are not good enough and die often. Like these ones. Me myself play some of these games and from my experience, hitting the mouse or keyboard is really often. About 50 % of players do so. It is strange, but playing a game which has purpose of having fun with friends becomes violent.
There is one case of game violence Japan. I had to read it twice because that shocked me. There were two guys playing some online RPG. They had a deal to slay a powerful monster together. That monster dropped a superb weapon and those two kids went crazy. One of the kids picked up the weapon from the monster and killed the other's character. The killed guy went crazy and found his "friend" via IP address. This guy came to other's place and killed him with a baseball bat. this happened just because of the game.


ESRB in other words the Entertainment Software Rating Board is designed to help especially parents to buy a game for their children. These ESRB stamps have two equally balanced parts. First one is a rating symbol showed by number. This number is suggested age of kid that is the game appropriate for. Other part is a content descriptor that shows what can we basically expect our children to see. For example you can see on the game box: sexual content violence, mature humor, drugs reference etc. (http://www.esrb.org/).
This rating was first used in 1994 and trought its 16 years of existence, it was transformed many times. There is also more cooperation between ESRB specialists and parents. Nowadays, there are six rating symbols (you can see them in the link above), which show which age is the game suggested to. For example famous video game GTA IV (Grand Theft Auto) is rated as Mature - which is dedicated to adolescents 18 years and older.
In my opinion, even more games should be classified as harmful for children. Because there is a lot of nasty stuff in new video games. It is scientifically proven that children want to try something that they see. For example beating someone with baseball bat, which is quite normal in games like Grand Theft Auto. I think that ESRB is really good tool for parents, but they shlould be more concerned about amount of time that their children spend in front of the PC, Xbox, Play station or whatever screen.



People love to play when they are young and careless. In the time of my grandparents, youngsters were playing "Hide and Seek" in the forest with their friends. Their childhood was full of joy and adventures ! Nowadays, since world has become hostile and technically more developed place than ever before, children have to seek their adventure on different places. One of ways of spending free time is sitting in front of the computer screen. Millions of kids play video games daily all around the world. There are many kinds of games that are supposed to catch one's eye. From web games, that people play on social network sites such as Facebook, to games played online against real opponents. Kids mainly enjoy playing those games, but adults do the same from time to time. Many people think that playing a game is dull thing, but especially kids can learn fair few new skills(not always positive) doing so. I mean that the correlation between adolescents playing video games (especially violent ones) and rising numbers of aggressive kids.